alison von r

Favorite Resources

There are so many good resources out there that I hesitate to add my two-cents. The reason I’m including this list is because when I began my own journey into living gently, I would have appreciated someone giving me a few starting points.

Krista Tippett’s weekly On Being podcast was that jumping-off point for me. On Sunday mornings as I puttered around the house watering my plants and straightening up, I listened to her interview wise and thoughtful poets, writers, activists, professors—people engaged in the work of making this world a better place. I offer these in that spirit. If any of these resources spark something, that’s great. If not, move on to find what works for you. (The book links are to which allows readers to buy books from a local independent bookstore of their choice and financially support independent book stores in general. I don’t have any relationship with either the authors or booksellers.)